oh, no - なんてこった
S01E01 - Year Zero

S01E01 - Year Zero

Welcome to Year Zero!

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Here’s to new beginnings! In the first episode of the first season, I am talking about the lessons learned from the Pilot episodes (post-editing, duration, go with the flow), also I am going to yap about some achievements and then go on talking about my concept of year zero (a short story about the big bang).

In your organized life you can have bucket lists, but I had to come up to the conclusion that my life is not organized: so instead of a bucket list I have a Fuck-It List. The Fuck-It List is something we should sometimes live by I argue. Come with me and start Season 1 with the “Fuck It“ attitude!

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oh, no - なんてこった
My experimental audio check-ins. This is my digital Frankenstein - the monster, that I have created without any reason. Enjoy my random talks on social issues, psychology and culture. Every Friday at 04:27 AM.
📷 Instagram: @zsolt182